Saturday, June 18, 2011

Under Construction

Construction at our house site has been going in full gear the last few months. Our workshop was completed a few weeks ago, followed by our cistern last week. This week, the builders began pouring the footings for our house. It is amazing to see how fast things are progressing and to think that our house could be completely enclosed in the next few months.

John has really enjoyed “helping Daddy” with various aspects of the construction process, including taking water to the builders with the skid loader and welding the cover for the cistern. One day when Nathan took him up to the workshop to check on things, John saw the two sides of the workshop and said one was “Daddy’s workshop” and one was “John’s workshop.” Needless to say, he is often upset when he cannot go to work with Daddy!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys -

    Been thinking about you and checked on your blog. I had missed several posts. It's good to catch up and see what all is going on in your lives. John and Hannah are so sweet and look totally joyful. Our family talks about you all and the work you are accomplishing. We feel very honored to lift your sweet family up in prayer. Love you all - The Mullicans
