Saturday, January 14, 2017

Construction News

After a busy few weeks of groups here at camp and sickness in our home, we are finally back to update!  Below are pictures of things going on in the construction department over the last couple of months since we have been back in Uganda.  It is a bit of a long post, but hopefully you enjoy all of the pictures.

These first three pictures show the new metal brake and wood planer that arrived with the container.  They have been a huge blessing already in speeding up the work process and increasing the quality of the work.  Thanks to everyone at the Dakota Project for your help in purchasing these and getting them here!

The metal brake 
The wood planer
The planer in action
These next pictures show the new construction going on around camp.  We are so thankful for our faithful Ugandan contractor and his crew who help us with all of the concrete and brick work, while Nathan and his crew take care of the metal work, wood work, and all the other finishing touches.  It is a team effort!

Single guys' duplex
New gatehouse
Addition to the workshop for office space and fuel storage
And finally, here are some pictures of the guys at work.

Moses working on the guys' duplex
Dan, the hard-working man
Baggie, putting the roof on his own house!
Unloading a truckload of cement
Nathan and the concrete crew - Is this 4-wheeler overloaded?
I hope you enjoyed the tour!  They sure are a busy bunch, but we are so thankful to see how God continues to grow Musana Camps!

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