Saturday, December 10, 2016

Abigail's Birthday

Happy 2nd birthday to our dear little Abigail!  Here are some of the highlights from her special day yesterday:

One of Abigail's favorites things to play with is water!  She loves wash day when she can play in the basins of water for a few hours while I wash clothes.  So for her birthday we got out our swimming pool for some extra water fun!

Abigail also got a treat for her birthday from our friend Scott who is visiting right now.  He made her a birthday hat out of balloons complete with flowers coming out of the top!  For supper, she helped Daddy mix up the cookie dough for her "cookie cake."  I'm not sure if she enjoyed the cookies or the cookie dough better! 

Happy Birthday, Abigail!  We love you so much and are so glad God placed you in our family!

1 comment:

  1. Happy (belated) Birthday Abigail!! It's so great to see photos and get updates from you guys! We're praying for you!
