Wednesday, December 21, 2016


We enjoyed having some friends come to visit us for the last few weeks.  Larry has been a friend of Nathan's since college days, and he introduced us to Scott this summer where we worked together at Eastern Montana Bible Camp.  We spent time working together, laughing together, riding 4-wheelers and motorcycles, and just sharing our life here at Musana with them.

Our kids enjoyed having these "uncles" around too, whether it was wrestling or riding the motorcycle with Larry or playing with Scott's balloon creations or reading books together.  Abigail still prays for them at night and talks about how "Uncle Larry funny" and "Uncle Scott funny."  

It is always a joy and encouragement to have friends or family come to visit, so thank you to those of you who helped them be able to come!

Thank you to Larry and Eastern Montana Bible Camp for donating this great stove to us!

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